
An Introduction to Kerem’s Life

Hello, my name is Kerem Ozdemir, I am 18 years old, pronouns (He/Him), and am born and raised in New York City. I am currently a first semester freshman, and despite how nervous I am about it, I am an intended Computer Science major. I’m a huge athlete. I love to play soccer, as well as practice muay thai, boxing, and other contact sports. Other than that, a few interests/hobbies of mine are cars. I absolutely love cars. All sorts of cars. I havent been able to attain one yet, but Im working on it I promise. I love going on late night drives, listening to music, working out, and just vibing. Im also a big foodie, so let me know if you ever want to grab a bite to eat. I am currently quite overwhelmed with the workload at CCNY right now, but hoping to get through it in the best way possible.